1:1 Coaching Partnerships with Tiffany

Together, we embark on a deep, transformational journey starting with a 6-week or 3-month commitment.
Together, we peel back the layers and uncover your true essence and authenticity so you are able to get crystal clear
on what you truly desire.
Together, we address any mental or spiritual blocks that have been holding you back from achieving your dreams and
living full out in your purpose.
Together, we create a strategy to take aligned action steps to make your dreams a reality.
Ready? With each week, as you create and stick to healthy habits and let go of self-defeating behaviors, you will
experience more peace, joy and freedom. Learn to harness your power and live fully in your courage zone.
6 Weeks Customized Rock The Camera + Speaker Program
90 Day Transformation (most popular)
6 Month Accountability (must have completed 90 Day Program)
First Step: Book a complimentary discovery call to explore if we are in
alignment and how I can best serve you on your journey of transformation .
1 hr Weekly Soulful Sessions
Accountability Text Access
Monday Motivation via Voice Memo
Visionboard Creation
Journal Prompts
Unlimited Email Access for Additional Support
Ongoing Prayer + Affirmations
Resource Recommendations
Beauty, Image, Wellness Guidance
Self Love Rituals
authentic, confident, fierce, powerful, joyful, stylish,
spiritually fit, successful and healthy?
Take a moment to close your eyes and imagine yourself at your most
Isn't it time you stop hiding and introduce her to the world?
It would be my honor to help you make it a reality!
Morning Routine + A Spiritual Workout
Personal Relationships/ Healthy Boundaries
Mindset Makeover
Goal Setting/ Time Management
Vision Board + Visualization
Faith Building/Spiritual Alignment
Breathwork/Parasympathetic Anxiety Reduction
Self-Esteem/ Confidence Building
Power of Affirmations/ Autosuggestion
Balancing Masculine + Feminine Energy
Living with Unapologetic Authenticity
Finding Your Voice + Speaking Your Truth
Energy/ Raising Frequency
Self-Care/ Self-Love Routine
Wealth Consciousness
Purpose/ Calling
Book/ Podcast Resources
Healthy Habits
Image/ Personal Style
Buddy Shopping for Wardrobe + Makeup/Skincare (additional cost)

So thankful to have this beautiful soul help and guide me through this life journey. Tiffany has changed my life in just a few short weeks and I’m so blessed and can’t express my level of gratitude.
I've grown my ladyballs and owning it! Implementing the new morning routine and deepening my prayer life has given me greater clarity and focus.
Thanks Tiff!
Tiffany, thank you for walking in your calling and being such a light and positive example! Thank you for speaking life into us. I'm so grateful for your words of wisdom.
Media Personality +
Business Coach
Tiffany has a unique gift to pull authenticity out of people. She helped me find my voice and the confidence to start my YouTube Channel. She is living her true calling in helping others find theirs.