Nicolette Winn, Entrepreneur
Tiffany empowered me to give myself permission to rock the healthy walk away from things that were no longer serving me and walk towards things that are serving me.
Since making that decision, my life has improved drastically! My motivation, drive, and energy are through the roof! My biz is growing like crazy.
Oh, and she taught me to operate from a place of love!

Lindsay Martin, Lifestyle Coach
Tiffany taught me skill sets for building and growing my business, my brand, and she helped me grow CONFIDENCE on how to be on camera and owning my authenticity. 

I didn’t just gain knowledge and growth as a FEMpreneur, but she helped me grow SPIRITUALLY and that was the key I needed. The decision to work with Tiffany is truly life changing,
I highly recommend her coaching and encourage any woman to embrace their #ladyballs!

Jessica Perno,Founder
Parent Day Out App
You may know Tiffany Hendra as a model and TV personality but I’ve gotten to know her as a beautiful soul and empowerment coach.
Tiffany puts her whole heart into coaching and shares her God-given talents to empower female entrepreneurs, just like me, find their voice and confidence! Yes, we have FUN, but make no mistake about it --this is HARD work.
GROWTH is uncomfortable and humbling and that's why so many of us avoid it. Find someone who can walk alongside. Someone who cheers you on AND calls out your mistakes. For me, that’s my empowerment coach Tiffany! She always gives it to me straight.
Because of the work we’re putting in now, I know that when opportunity comes knocking, I’ll be better prepared.

Taylor L. Cole Longacre,
TV Host
I’m a TV host with a degree in broadcasting. Initially I thought, “how could RTCO really benefit me given my experience and background?” Tiffany is the real deal and she gets to the heart of what today’s leader needs to know to shine on camera and video. Tiff has a passion to empower women to live more authenticity on and off camera.
I needed a kick and Tiff took a stiletto to my tail!

Pam Higginbotham
TV Host/ Dream Ignitor
What a journey! I was experiencing a very difficult year that started off with a painful divorce after many years of marriage. I had to start a new life and with both kids away at college I was truly on my own for the first time in years. I had put so many of my hope and dreams on the back burner but was now ready to "dust off my dreams" and step out BOLDLY into a new life!
Tiffany guided me through what she called the cocoon stage that consisted of healing and preparation for what was to come. With each session I grew stronger and more bold. I realized a strength I never knew I had and finally found my voice.
With Tiffany's encouragement, I started taking steps towards my goals and learned how to focus my energy. I used to be someone who made excuses and if things got too challenging I would back away. I am no longer that person! It is life changing when someone truly believes in you and that is what Tiffany does. I feel that no matter what obstacle is put in my way I will find a way to overcome it. I want every woman to feel like I do now and to not live on the sidelines, but to charge ahead towards their goals and dreams.
We are intended to be strong and courageous and to shine our unique light into the world!

Amy Robbins,
CEO Alexo Athletica/
TV + Podcast Host
I learned so much and took away so many valuable nuggets from Tiffany's course that I haven’t gotten anywhere else. It truly changed my life for the better and gave me the confidence and tools I needed to continue sharpening my skills. This course isn’t just for actors or hosts, but for anyone wanting to improve their
communication skills

Farrah Rudd,
Real Estate Agent
All of the life-giving affirmations Tiffany shared with me, the conversations, the new ways of perceiving people and ways of looking at things have been so incredibly priceless to what I’ve been navigating. You have made such an incredible impact on my life and I will never forget it!

Whitney Kutch, Blogger
Tiffany has a unique gift to pull authenticity out of people. She helped me find my voice, confidence, and guide me to start my successful You Tube channel for my blog. I had no idea the scope of her training would exceed far more than camera presence…she got to know WHO I am and customized an approach versus a “one size fits all” program.

Jessica Youngblood, Author/Speaker
As a public speaker, minister and author, I share my life journey of transformation to help young women overcome their own battles. I needed to sharpen my skills and step out of my comfort zone in order to be a more effective speaker. Tiffany helped me do exactly that!

Stacy Conner, Blogger
If you would have told me 6 months ago that I would be co-emceeing an event…on a microphone…in front of 150 people… I would have told you that you were crazy. When it comes to public speaking, I am as shy as they come. I knew I needed coaching on “how to speak in front of people without fainting" and scheduled a 2 intensive sessions with Tiffany. She is a miracle worker! I am happy to report that the event was a success and I know that there is no possible way I could have done this without Tiffany.

Ashley Brown, Business Coach/Author/Speaker
When I launched my YouTube Channel, I reached out to Tiffany for mentorship and attended her workshops. Tiffany walks in her calling and is such a light and positive example. Thank you for speaking life into us. I'm so grateful for your words of wisdom.